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Jul 1, 2016 9:56:37 AM · by David Kushan

Converting from Siemens Soarian to Cerner: The Basics

Siemens, Oracle Cerner

Cerner Corp’s acquisition of Siemens Health Services has had a major impact on the industry as a whole. While Cerner has promised to keep supporting Siemens for another 10 years, most Siemens Soarian EHR clients have already migrated or are planning on migrating to another platform.

With many of these same organizations having only recently converted to an EHR, as mandated by the HITECH Act, most are less than enthused about having to take on another major IT system conversion project.

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May 23, 2016 4:30:00 AM · by Dave Wolfe

Soarian to Cerner Millennium: 4 Things Pharmacies Should Know About Converting


When Cerner purchased Siemens Health Services, many of the questions that arose from the acquisition were related to how the two companies’ products would be integrated or converted in relation to one another.

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