How to Set Yourself Up for Continuous Work as a Contractor

May 5, 2015 12:00:00 AM · by David Kushan

When you're considering taking a contract, you should also consider the following:

Is the project a good fit with your skill set?

How will you fit in, culturally, with the group at the hospital?

How much will the position pay?

What's the expense reimbursement policy?

What will the travel be like? How long will it take, in travel time, to get to the client site each week?

How often will you be required to travel to the client site?

Will they have flexibility if it’s necessary for you to work from home occasionally?

The answers to all of the questions above give the consultant insight into what they’re going to be dealing with during this current contract. 

In this podcast we cover how to assess a firm and the importance of building relationships when working as an independent contractor.

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