When you have 22 minutes to spare today, catch this 2013 TED Talk with Joel Selanikio as he uncovers the Big Picture behind Big Data.
What is this TED Talk about?
"Collecting global health data was an imperfect science: Workers tramped through villages to knock on doors and ask questions, wrote the answers on paper forms, then input the data -- and from this gappy information, countries would make huge decisions. Data geek Joel Selanikio talks through the sea change in collecting health data in the past decade -- starting with the Palm Pilot and Hotmail, and now moving into the cloud. (Filmed at TEDxAustin.) Dr. Joel Selanikio combines technology and data to help solve global health challenges."
Who is Joel Selanikio?
"A practicing pediatrician, former Wall Street computer consultant, and former epidemiologist at the Centers for Disease Control, Dr. Joel Selanikio is the CEO of DataDyne, a social business working in fields such as international development and global health.
Selanikio started to experiment with electronic data capture back when the Palm Pilot was cutting edge technology. In the years since then, he has helped to experiment with the growing potential and availability of technology--and the growing ubiquity of the cloud. Combining the two has led to systems such as Magpi mobile data collection software. Previously known as "EpiSurveyor," the service now has over 20,000 users in more than 170 countries.
Selanikio holds a bachelor's degree from Haverford College, a medical degree from Brown University, and he is a graduate of the Epidemic Intelligence Service fellowship of the CDC. He continues to practice clinical pediatrics as an Assistant Professor at Georgetown University and on the Emergency Response Team of the International Rescue Committee."
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