Do you really know the value of each of your team members?

Feb 2, 2021 3:19:00 PM · by David Kushan

Recently, I’ve heard some thought leaders address how the most efficient and effective people on their teams can produce at a rate 10 times that of their average producer.


Which brings us to hiring. When you’re in the midst of hiring for a new position, there are certain “intangibles.” That said, there must also be specific things that you can measure.


You need to have performance metrics in place to understand who on your team is getting the best results.


In sales, this is easy. In other areas, it can be more challenging. I’ve found that the best leaders have developed methodologies for truly understanding and quantifying results.


Bottom line: If you don’t know who among your team can deliver at 1X, 5X, or 10X, how can you measure value and, more important, how can you possibly know where or in whom to invest?

General, Misc., David Kushan


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